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15th June 2023
To mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day we have updated our elder abuse awareness with new graphics, videos and publications. WEAAD is an international awareness day to raise awareness about elder…
6th June 2023
In this issue, we focus on the cost of living. We share some practical advice on how to save money on your health, home and everyday expenses plus much more.
2nd June 2023
Ahead of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15) the Office for Seniors has published two short publications on the signs on psychological abuse and neglect. Our aim is to strengthen…
2nd May 2023
The Government have released a report responding to recommendations from the United Nations Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, strengthening its commitment to improve…
19th April 2023
Beehive press release can be read here Information on Digital training can be read here
12th April 2023
We’re pleased to announce the launch of our pilot Homeshare programme. Homeshares bring together householders — such as older people who have a room to spare — with people who can…